Monday, May 9, 2011

My Niece is the Oklahoma Class 2A State Pole Vault Champion!!!!!!!

I hope this works. This is the episode of the Oklahoma High School Sports Express that showed my niece's vault that won state! It wouldn't let me post it. :( You can watch the episode at Oklahoma High School Sports Express.The episode is 28 minutes but the track part only lasts a little over 5 minutes. Holly pole-vaulting is about 2 minutes in. The young lady who won the 100 hurdles is Sis's best friend. You see Hol running in the 800 meter Relay. They took 3rd - bronze. Holly's relay team won the last event - the mile relay. They broke the State Track Meet Record.

This is Holly's winning vault. Takes a good "plant" to get "high"!!!!! (Pole Vaulting humor)

This is with her gold medal!

Bronze - 3rd Place in 800 Relay.

Praying after receiving medals!

Academic Champions!!!!

Prayer before presentation.

Prayer after award presentation!

Mile Relay Champions - Set new State Track Meet Record!!!!

Prayer after receiving medals.

Team Pose

State Runner Up

Prayer before presentation.

BFF's with their medals!

This is the best group of girls you could ever meet. They take it upon themselves to pray before and after every event. EVERYDAY one of the girls will write a different scripture on the white board in their locker room!  Their team shirts that they (the boys and girls teams) designed have this scripture on the back:

  • Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but only one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may win. 1 Corinthians 9:24

I am so proud of them. I just love them to death. Always a Lady, Forever a BUC!

Until next time ~ VinDeeLoo

1 comment:

1 thekolbes said...

Woohooo, how exciting is that. Congrats, what a great accomplishment
krazykcrafters at msn dot com